martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011


During my holiday in Spain I met a family made up of two grandparents, their daughter, her husband and their two children who were 3 and 7.
The Grandmother was French and the grandfather was a Spaniard, they both lived in Spain. Their daughter was married to a Frenchman, son of an Englishman and a Frenchwoman; they lived in France with their two sons.  They were also with an English friend.
I was surprised by the way adults spoke to the children, in English, French and Spanish alternately and how children answered them spontaneously in the language  in which they had been spoken to.
I mean, if they were spoken to in English, they replied in English, and it happened the same with French and Spanish.
I thought these children had a gift for languages, but soon after I realized that the children didn’t speak three languages, English, French and Spanish, they only spoke ONE LANGUAGE, the vocabulary was made up of English, French and Spanish words and synonym.
The Children had achieved, in a completely intuitive way, THE FUSION OF THREE LANGUAGES IN ONE.  Of course,  with three times the amount of vocabulary.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2011


During my holidays in Spain in met a family made up of two grandparents, their daughter, her husband and their two children from 3 to 7 years.
Grandmother was French and grandfather was Spaniard and both lived in Spain; their daughter was married to a Frenchman, son of an Englishman and a Frenchwoman, who lived in France with their two sons.  They were also with an English friend.
I was surprised by the way adults spoke to children, alternately in English, French or Spanish and how children answered them spontaneously in the language they had been talked to.
I mean, if they were asked in English, they replied in English, and it happened the same with French and Spanish.
I thought  those children had a gift for languages, but days after I realized that children didn’t speak three languages, English, French and Spanish, they only spoke ONE LANGUAGE, which a vocabulary made up of English, French and Spanish’s  words and synonymous .
Children had achieved in a completely intuitive way THE FUSION OF THREE LANGUAGES IN ONE.  Of course,  with three times of vocabulary.

martes, 26 de julio de 2011

Buenos días, desde el alojamiento rural San Miguel del valle Amblés, en El Fresno (Ávila).  Hoy vamos a  hablar de el milano real (Milvus milvus). Es una rapaz de tamaño mediano, 60 cm., su cola ahorquillada, en vuelo,es típica. Es muy fácil de ver en esta zona, al lado de las carreteras en busca de carroña, y añadiremos que es una de las rapaces más abundantes en la Península.

jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Ornitologia en el valle ambles

Hola, otra vez ,os voy a hablar del abejaruco común (Meros apiaster),una de las aves más fáciles de divisar en  nuestro alojamiento rural San Miguel del Valle Ambles, aquí en El Fresno(Ávila). El abejaruco común, es un pájaro de tamaño mediano, alrededor de unos 30 cm., de longitud, se caracteriza por su bello plumaje, en el que se mezclan el verde,el rojo, el azul, el amarillo, y el negro  que enmarca su ojo. Es una especie estival, pasando todos los veranos en  la Península Ibérica, para retirarse una vez acabado el estío hacía el continente negro. Su dieta es marcadamente insectívora,  es, como su nombre indica, un depredador de abejas, su alimento favorito, pero no desdeña, otras especies,cumpliendo una labor muy importante en la erradicación de insectos dañinos, y perjudiciales, para nuestros campos. Es una especie abundante en toda España, En nuestro alojamiento rural San Miguel del Valle Amblés, anida en sus proximidades, en concreto en los taludes, que bordean la margen derecha del río Adaja,así como en otras zonas del valle, siempre en las cercanías del agua. Vamos a finalizar el comentario de esta especie, diciendo que sus costumbres son muy gregarias, conviviendo y nidificando en grandes grupos sociales. Mañana os hablaremos del milano real.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Lema de Pentecor

“La genialidad surge siempre de una práctica continua y durante muchas horas de ejercicio”

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Special Offers

If you register in one of our courses before May 30, 2011 you will get a 10% discount.
Limited places available.


jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Friends forever-amigos para siempre

Our name, Pentecor, means 5 hearts, which are symbolized in our Logo with 5 entwined hearts drawing 5 hearts more.

That is the philosophy underlying our method: to create friendship ties.

Our goal is to give the participants the opportunity to meet new people, you will be part of a great team and in the future you will keep in touch with each other through our blog and social networks.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

Bird watching

One of the activities we are preparing for this summer is bird watching. If you are interested in nature this is your place,  you can combine your days improving English/Spanish or German with other activities in nature.
Today the bird is :

Merops apiaster- European Bee-eater.
We are waiting for your comments about this specie.

Uno für Einen-Einer para Uno

Lernen Sie Spanisch durch aktives Sprechen mit unserer wirksamen Methode Uno für Einen, Einer para uno.

Unsere Methode fördert die geistige Beweglichkeit, um spanisch intuitiv zu sprechen, zu verstehen als ob es Ihre eigene Sprache wäre.

Teilen Sie während 12 Tage ihre Zeit mit einem spanisch schprechenden Kursteilnehmer.

Die Methode basiert sich auf, dass sich zwei Partner, mit unterschiedlichen Muttersprachen, die jeweils fremde Sprache beibringen und sich gegenseitig beim Lernen unterstützen. Am Ende des Kurses werden Sie eine richtige mündliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit erreichen.

Der kurs ist für Teilnehmer mit spanischen Vorkenntnisse geeignet.

"One for uno-Uno para One" o "Uno für Einen-Einer para uno"

Potencia la agilidad mental para hablar, pensar y responder intuitivamente en inglés como lo haces en español utilizando nuestro método one for uno, uno para one.
Si quieres mejorar tu alemán y pasar un verano único esta es tu elección. Con nuestro método uno für Einen, Einer para uno practicarás el idioma durante todo el día.

Pentecor a method based on idiomatic fusion

Increase your mental agility intuitively in talking, answering and thinking in Spanish as you use to do in English following our learning method One for uno, uno para one.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

News from pentecor

Everybody offers you Spanish courses with excursions, activities, tennis, golf, usual classes, with degrees and paper certificates. I propose you speak Spanish all day long with a Spanish friend.